Type 11

Maximum Pressure: 12kg/cm2G
Temperature Range: -60C~250C
Maximum Cycle Speed: 25m/sec
Maximum Stickiness: 300cp.
Hanged Turbidness: below 0.3%
Suitable liquid: Non-crystal acid, alkali, lower stickiness oil, polymer, hydrogen carbide, water of lower hanged turbidness, sea water...etc.

Type 7

Used Pressure: below 5kg/cm2 (vacuum degree reached to 750mmHg)
Revolution Speed: below 10,000 R.P.M.
Temperature: -20C to 120C
Fluids: Aqueous solution of antirust or anticer cleaned water, warm water lubricant, turbid water.
Used in Cooling pump of automobile engine, high speed domestic pump, general pump, small-typed centrifugal pump, water pump.